Generating a profitable income from art doesn’t have to be daunting, expensive, or isolated. Wouldn't you prefer to be part of the bigger picture, clued in and connected? At Mudgee Art House we have the professional tools, 25+ years of experience as both professional artists and digital graphics experts and we’re happy to share what we’ve learned along the way and support you on your commercial journey too.

With our assistance you’ll develop a stunning array of reproduction prints (repros) that will contribute to you in gaining an income from your artwork and boost your studio practices.

Our repro prints are comparable to that of reputable metropolitan art galleries. By using archival cotton-based papers from renowned French paper mills, we’ll ensure your brand and repros can be launched in an uncompromisingly professional way, ensuring dynamic, archival quality and desirability.

Working together with likeminded artists is as cathartic as it is enjoyable. We understand each other’s goals, drive and language. If you’re ready to make an income from your artwork, we’d love to work with you too.

Our support process begins with an Art Image of your work, where we capture the most dynamic version of your original artwork required to bring money into your studio. We then offer you genuine artist to artist advice, support and services that are valuable in developing a confident brand.

What do you do now? Call, email or come and see us and together we can map your entry or improve your current journey within the commercially viable world of art sales.

To make an enquiry about framing click here